Clinical Research

We’re proud to collaborate with key centers of excellence in chronic liver disease across North America to evaluate our solution through rigorous clinical research. If you’re interested in conducting research with Velacur, please submit an application for clinical research support here.

Peer reviewed publications

Velacur ACE outperforms FibroScan CAP for diagnosis of MASLD

Hepatology Communications 2024.

The Use of Noninvasive Velacur® for Discriminating between Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Liver Disease: A Feasibility Study.

International Journal of Hepatology 2024.


Below, you will find a complete list of the research posters we’ve presented.  The data presented here is investigational only. 

The Performance of Velacur Against Liver Biopsy for Assessing Fibrosis and Steatosis.


canadian liver meeting

Probe to Capsule Distance Measured During Point of Care Liver Assessments.

Canadian Liver Meeting 2024

Repeatability of Velacur on Volunteers and Patients: Same Patient, Same Day, Different Scanner.

American Association for the Study of Liver Disease 2023

American College of gastroenterology

Repeatability Coefficient of Velacur Scans in the Same Patient Taken at Least 2 Weeks Apart.

American College of Gastroenterologists 2023

Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect Shear Waves During Velacur™️ Exams.


Comparison of Velacur and Fibroscan to Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Quantitative Assessment of Fibrosis and Steatosis in NAFLD.

American Association for the Study of Liver Disease 2022

Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters Measured with Velacur and Correlations with MRI PFF.

Digestive Disease Week 2022

Accuracy of Velacur™ AI Powered Liver Guide in Identification of Liver.


3D ACE: Attenuation Coefficient Estimation in 3D for the Detection of Hepatic Steatosis

American Association for the Study of Liver Disease 2018

SWAVE: Steady State Shear Wave Elastography for Fibrosis Evaluation in Liver Disease

European Association for the Study of Liver Disease 2018


Please submit the form below to request access to our investigational research.