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We deliver healthtech innovation.



Reliable Results

Velacur™️ is a portable, handheld ultrasound that integrates a live ultrasound image, resulting in an assessment of liver stiffness and attenuation, components of liver fibrosis and fat measurements. It generates real-time stiffness measurements at point of care with technology similar to that of MRI elastography. Velacur is safe and effective as an aid in the management of patients with liver disease.

Shear Waves:

Comparable to MRI

With the addition of our external activation pad, VelacurTM uses technology similar to MRI elastography in creating steady state shear waves within the liver. The wavelength or speed of these waves are then measured using 3D ultrasound imaging to calculate liver stiffness. In vitro data shows high correlation with MRI elastography.*

*Based on information submitted in the marketing application.


Our state-of-the-art technology offers the following advantages over transient or ultrasound elastography:

Technology with purpose

Our technology delivers measurements of liver tissue stiffness and attenuation.