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We deliver safe and effective
assessments of the liver.

A Better Tool

for Physicians

The rise of fatty liver disease is an emerging health crisis, resulting in chronic illness for millions of people and escalating healthcare costs. Definitive diagnostic tools for this disease are limited to biopsy and MRI, and are expensive, invasive and time-consuming. To address this crisis, physicians need a better tool to assess and manage disease. VelacurTM is a point of care solution that measures liver stiffness and attenuation and can aid in the management of patients with liver disease.


VelacurTM is an accurate, accessible and affordable solution for quantifying liver stiffness and attenuation:

  • The accuracy and precision of our state-of-the-art technology were found to be comparable to transient elastography and MRI elastography.*
  • This point of care solution is portable, can be operated by any healthcare professional, and produces real-time measurements.
  • It can be adopted in any practice with minimal upfront investment and provides a potential new revenue stream for physicians.

*Based on information submitted in the marketing application.


The procedure is quick, comfortable and non-invasive.
The activation, ultrasound scan and readout can be performed during a standard medical appointment.


Sonic Incytes offers an Early Access Program designed specifically for investigator initiated studies to evaluate the performance and utility of VelacurTM in assessing liver stiffness and attenuation as part of clinical research in chronic liver disease.

If interested in the Early Access Program, please contact us.


We’re proud to collaborate with key centers of clinical excellence in chronic liver disease in North America to evaluate our solution.

Data presented here is investigational only.

Posters and Publications

Looking for patient information?

In the U.S, 1 in 3 adults have or are at risk of fatty liver disease.

Find out about this disease and how VelacurTM can help you.

EASL 2023

AASLD 2022

DDW 2022


AASLD 2021


Please submit the form below to request access to our investigational research.